Square D HDL36100 PowerPact circuit breaker protects electrical circuits and equipment from overloads, short circuits and other electrical faults. It is useful in commercial buildings and data centres.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. How do I select the right MCCB rating?
A. To select the appropriate MCCB rating, consider the maximum current the circuit will carry, the starting currents of connected equipment and the type of load. Choose a rating slightly higher than the anticipated current to prevent nuisance tripping.
Q. Can this MCCB be reset after tripping?
A. Yes, this Square D MCCB can be manually reset after tripping. Once the fault is resolved, you can reset the MCCB by toggling its lever.
Q. Is this Square D moulded case circuit breaker maintenance-free?
A. This Square D MCCB is virtually maintenance-free. It requires only periodic inspections and testing to ensure their proper functionality and reliability over time.