Omron MK2KPAC24 dual coil latching relay is used in memory circuits and signal transduction circuits to open / close the contacts during current overload conditions. This unit requires a short pulse of energy applied to the coil to change the switching state of the device which also reduces the power consumption significantly.
- It has durable housing that offers excellent vibration and impact resistance.
- It features an octal base for secure connection and a mechanical flag for easy monitoring of contact operation.
- It features plug-in mounting for quick installation or removal.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Can the relays be used in environments with strong magnetic fields?
A. The relay must be avoided in environments with strong magnetic fields because that would demagnetise the relay's magnetic effect and cause unintended operation.
Q. What are the contacts made of?
A. The relay features silver alloy contacts for excellent thermal & electrical conductivity.
Q. What is a dual coil latching relay?
A. A 2-coil latching relay has a set coil and a reset coil. The set coil, once energised, does not depend on the condition that energised the coil. It stays in the energised (latched) position until its condition is changed or reset (unlatched) by the reset coil. For example, when a light bulb is turned on, it stays lit until it is turned off by pressing the button (reset / unlatched). It is not required to hold the light switch to keep the light on.