MORCINCH Drum Handling System
MORCINCH kits offer users the ability to handle up to 55 gallon (210 litre) plastic / steel / fibre drums using one Morse drum handler. MORCINCH kits are designed to prevent a plastic drum from slipping through a drum holder due to its flexible nature and lack of supporting ribs (that steel drums have). Each MORCINCH kit has a unique design to accommodate the particular characteristics of plastic drums. To ensure safety, install the correct MORCINCH kit to handle a plastic or fibre drum using the same Morse drum handler.
- Top Rim Clamp Kit is required to handle a RIMMED 30 to 55 gallon (114 to 210 litre) plastic drum.
- Bracket Assembly Kit is required to safely handle a RIMLESS 30 to 55 gallon (114 to 210 litre) plastic drum.