Soil Core Sampling KitsProvide quality samples for accurate soil testing applications. Comprise a replaceable tip soil probe with sample slot, cross handle, adjustable foot step, soil ejector scoop, cleaning brush, spanner wrench, serrated tip, triple lead flighted auger, compact carrying case and slide hammer(41 Products)
Soil Core Sampling AccessoriesIncludes adaptors, auger tips, canvas cases, check flaps, core sampler with auger tips, cup liners, cup sets, cylinder couplings, dual soil augers / sampler kits, end caps, end cap inserts, flap check valve caps and gas vapor probe extensions(191 Products)
Soil Auger AccessoriesIncludes adapters, auger tips, cross handles, extensions, finger rings, foot steps and slide hammers suitable for use with soil augers to obtain disturbed soil samples at or near a surface(195 Products)
DredgesStainless-steel / powder-coated carbon steel dredges featuring a sampling chamber to screen and allow water flow during deployment, as well as reduce the frontal shock waves. Integrated with a two-way spring-loaded mechanism that gets activated on coming in contact with the bottom surface(4 Products)
Soil Gas/Vapor Probe AccessoriesIdeal for soil or gas monitoring and surveying operations, as well as taking shallow groundwater samples. Can be used with AMS Retract-A-Tip, AMS dedicated tip and vacuum pumps for collecting the samples. Separate removable jacks also available(4 Products)